My Sober Diary : Day 37 : Day 15
Two weeks! and a day :)
While this is a big achievement, I have to say today is rather tough. The day started out totally fine, but throughout the day anxiety has slowly crept up on me. Not sure why really, but here it is. I just need to accept it for what it is, breath, and move on. This to shall pass.
On the general health front, I am doing so much better. I have started to exercise almost daily again. My sleep is still much improved. The last couple of nights I only managed around six hours, but the quality of sleep was always rated 80+ by my Fitbit device.
While I could not get screenshots of the previous two weeks, this is the last week, and believe me, it looks a lot better and a lot more stable then it did even a week ago.
As you can see from the above, my resting heart rate was kinda all over the place three weeks ago, went down, climbed up again, but then came down and stabilized. It is pretty amazing to look at data like this and see how the body heals itself.
With regards to mental health, I am honestly doing a lot better. Today is definitely an outlier. The first two or three days was tough but after that, it was really, dare I say, easy.
Looking forward to the next week and getting to 21 days! Hope you are all well. ✌️