WhaleCast ~ Favourite Podcasts of the Week ~ Ed.4–2018
Let me start of by saying no, last week was definitely not a dry week on the podcast front. I simply failed to plan appropriately and when life threw me some lemons, I wasn’t ready the squeeze the crap out of them.
With that said, here is the fourth edition of WhaleCast. Enjoy!
TED Radio Hour ~ Turning Kids Into Grown-Ups
Parenting. Oh boy what a ride. There really is nothing that can prepare one for this. The uncertainty, guilt, anger, frustration, intense joy, immense fear, the grateful privilege of it all. Emotions spanning the full gamut.
As with theemotions, the guests on this episode are from far and wide. A former Stanford dean Julie Lythcott-Haims, former firefighter Caroline Paul, author Peggy Orenstein, and psychologist Dr. Aala El-Khani. The episode ends with a beautifully real and inspirational poem by poet Sarah Kay.
The Accidental Creative ~ Make Your Contribution
Passion. Your true purpose. Doing the thing you love. Finding your true, authentic self. These words and phrases are being thrown around like Skittles. Programs abound where, for only $9.95, someone will guide you through a compassionate, mindful journey to discover your purpose and meaning.
While there may be a place for this, sometimes you simply need to show up, sit down(or stand), and do the work. In this episode of The Accidental Creative, host and author Todd Henry gets back to the core of all of this, and offers up seven thoughts to keep in mind when you want to delay today’s work to tomorrow.
NutritionFacts.org ~ This Just In About Avocados
Nutrition is one of the other topics that are discussed widely these days. It seems like almost everyone has an opinion or the secret, do this and you will live forever, be strong, lean, mean, adored, famous, successful, grow an extra arm, and develop Spidey senses diet. I am not here to judge, or prescribe anything. Food is very personal and each person needs to make choices that works for them.
Avocado on the other hand is something I believe we can all agree on. In pretty much any form it just makes life better. I feel about avo as many people feel about bacon. I have been following the work of Dr Greger for a long time now, and for most of this time avocados was on the “green” list of foods. Some time ago though, there was some uncertainty introduced with regards to avocados, and Dr. Greger decided to move it to the “yellow” list.
This was one of those time where I have to admit, I did not head the doctors advice. You can only imagine my joy when this episode was published. It’s back on the “green” foods list so, go ahead, stuff your face. Guacamole anyone?
Inquiring Minds ~ Jellyfish Science
I believe I have a new favourite animal. These little creatures are absolutely mind blowing. From the tiny polyps to the fully grown medusa, and back again. Yes, you read that correctly. Some with enough poising to kill a an adult in 3 minutes. Literally everything about these creatures are fascinating.
There are few people more qualified than the author of Spineless: The Science of Jellyfish and the Art of Growing a Backbone Juli Berwald, to be your guide into the world of these amazing animals. Get ready to have a new favourite animal ;)
Note To Self ~ We’ve Gained So Much With the iPhone. What Have We Lost?
Social media, chat apps, being in constant contact, always easy to reach no matter the place or time of day. Pokes, prods, ping and pongs all clamouring for our time and attention. Being able to find pretty much anything with a quick search, get turn by turn directions, hail a cab, find a restaurant, know where you kids are, capture moments in still life or full HD motion. These devices has definitely been both a blessing and a curse.
In this episode host Manoush Zomorodi talks with one of the first four people to have had their hands on a smartphone David Pogue, and author of Radical Technologies: The Design of Everyday Life, Adam Greenfield about what has changed, what has staid the same, and what we might have lost along the way.
That is it for this week. I hope you enjoy these episodes, and please share your favourite episodes in the comment. Until next week, stay curious!