WhaleCast ~ Favourite Podcasts of the Week ~ Ed.5–2018

Schalk Neethling
5 min readApr 13, 2018


Photo by Wexor Tmg on Unsplash

Welcome to the fifth edition of WhaleCast. Thank you to those readers who have been following since the first edition, and a big welcome to those who have joined in the last week.

TED Radio Hour ~ Fighting Cancer

“Colorful fruit and vegetables on a market stall” by ja ma on Unsplash

There are very few of us that has not been effected in some way by cancer. It is a truly frightening disease. The instances of cancer seems to also be on the rise. With all of the medical advancements that have happened over the years, it seems that cancer is the one that has researchers and scientist stumped.

One of the problems is early detection. As Dr. Greger has mentioned before, our current “early detection” mechanism is actual pretty late detection if you take into account how long the initial phase of cancer is. That is the time from when the disease starts, until you show symptoms. Some other problems includes a lack of education with regards to prevention, the incredible cost of treatment, as well as the emotional effects the disease has on the individual and their families.

In this episode TED Radio Hour looks at how we are fighting cancer. Jorge Soto talks about a better, cheaper way to detect cancer through work his company Miroculus is doing. Dr. Jay Bradner talks about using open source science research to find a cure faster by using the power of communities, and working in the open. Dr. David Agus and Dean Ornish, MD talks about looking at cancer from a larger perspective. Dr. Agus talks specifically about treating the whole person, and not narrowly focusing on just the cancer. Dr. Ornish talks about the power of nutrition, exercise, meditation and close bonds, in not only preventing, but reversing cancer. Lastly, Debra Jarvis takes us on a personal journey of fighting breast cancer.

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RadioLab ~ The Fix

“Mysterious woman covered in shadow with an unsmiling mouth” by Zach Guinta on Unsplash

Addiction is another subject that is on many people’s minds these days. From the opioid crisis, the variety of synthetic drugs on the market, and of course the oldest of them all, alcohol.

In this episode the hosts talks to various specialists in this field, to find out how their thinking has changed over the years with regards to addiction treatment. This story was inspired by reporter Amy O'Leary’s personal experience, and the work of French cardiologist Dr. Olivier Ameisen, his struggle with alcohol, his book The End of my Addiction, and his cure for alcohol addiction using Baclofen. There is also proof that Baclofen can work for other substances such as cocaine as well.

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Akimbo ~ No such thing (as writer’s block)

Photo by rawpixel.com on Unsplash

I have a lot of respect for Seth Godin. From his thoughts on doing great work, to his thoughts on the education system. When I discovered that he started a podcast, it was a no brainer, I subscribed immediately. I am happy to report that I have not been disappointed.

In this episode Seth talks about the concept, or belief, that one day a muse will show up at our front door, we will then be instantly inspired, and create the best work of our lives. Until then, there is not really much we can do other than waiting for inspiration to strike. I can attest to having played out this story in my head time and time again.

It screams most loudly when we think about stepping out of our comfort zone, when we consider putting something we created out there. You can almost here your inner critic cleaning its throat. This is all hogwash of course.

This is the amygdala, our lizard brain, coming to the fore in an attempt to safe us from ourselves. So it believes anyway. In this episode Seth reiterates what he has stated many times before. If you want to make great art, show up, and do the work. Put yourself out there, and stop allowing perfect to be the enemy of good enough. A very inspiring episode indeed.

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The Boring Talks ~ British Earthquakes

“A long-exposure shot of double-decker buses near the Houses of Parliament in London” by David Dibert on Unsplash

British Earthquakes? Well, maybe more tremors, or shakes. These do happen though, and Rhodri Marsden is terribly underwhelmed. These talks are called the boring talks but, I have to tell you. This episode had me laughing out load.

If you have around 10 minutes, and are feeling a little down, I bet you that Rhodri’s British earthquake scale will have you in stitches. Oh, and try not to yawn when you hear the intro to this podcast ;)

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Reply All ~ Long Distance

“Three vintage olden days telephone hanging on the wall for public use.” by Pavan Trikutam on Unsplash

Have you ever answered the phone, only to have a person inform you that they are from Microsoft support. That they have detected suspicious activity from your computer, and that your computer might have been compromised?

Have you indulged them? Unfortunately there are many people that have been caught be this, and other similar scams doing the rounds. In this episode of Reply All, host Alex Goldman goes deep into the world of these scammers when he is called by one of them.

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That it for this week. I hope you enjoy these shows, and please share your favourites in the comments. Until next week, stay curious!



Schalk Neethling
Schalk Neethling

Written by Schalk Neethling

I write about mental health, addiction, sober living, living your best life through an active lifestyle and a whole food plant-based diet. Psychedelic curios :)

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